Family & Partnership

When the children slowly grow into young adults, many things change again in the family. The offspring are now gradually given more freedom, increasingly make their own decisions and confidently discuss parenting issues and agree on rules. As parents, you are responsible for their upbringing until they reach the age of majority on their 18th birthday - based on respect, appreciation, love and the opportunity for age-appropriate co-determination and expression of opinion.

These and other rights, such as a non-violent upbringing and the right to protection from economic and sexual exploitation, are specifically granted to children and young people. They are bindingly formulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. You can find a summary of the other rights children and young people have and what this means for their upbringing in this article.

Information on on various topics

  • Children's rights

    It is the responsibility of parents to treat their child with respect and appreciation. For your child to grow up well, it needs love, security, support and opportunities for co-determination. For parents it is at the same time important that these values are also lived in your partnership.