From partner to dad
From partner to dad: tips for preparing for the birth and family life
"We're pregnant!" proudly announce the happy news to parents-to-be. But while your partner feels the change first hand, you first have to slowly get to grips with your new role as a father. That's why it's just as important for you to actively deal with the pregnancy and birth as it is for your partner. Good preparation creates a sense of security and allows your anticipation and feelings of fatherhood to grow - although not your baby bump. We have collected tips for you to help you adjust to the new situation.

Once a baby is on the way, an exciting time begins for the parents-to-be. Expectant mothers are inundated with information, tips and good advice in doctors' surgeries, books and magazines. But don't worry, as a dad-to-be you don't have to be left out when it comes to preparing for the birth and being a father in the best possible way.
Expertentipp zum Thema „Probleme in der Paarbeziehung"
Die Geburt des ersten Kindes verändert eine Paarbeziehung grundlegend. Aus „Du“ und „Ich“, Frau und Mann, werden Eltern. Wie schafft man es, in die neue Rolle als Vater hineinzuwachsen und gleichzeitig ein liebender Partner zu bleiben? Achim Schad, Paar- und Familienberater aus Wuppertal, spricht Konfliktthemen an, die junge Eltern oft beschäftigen. Ob Gefühlswelt, Sexualität oder partnerschaftliche Aufgabenteilung in Bezug auf Familie und Beruf – Vater zu werden stellt alle Lebensbereiche auf den Kopf und fördert Veränderungskrisen. Achim Schad setzt auf Toleranz und Verständnis, um die Paarbeziehung und sich selbst als Mann bzw. Vater in turbulenten Zeiten zu stabilisieren.

Where can I find help and advice?
If you are experiencing negative feelings or feel that you can't find access to yourself or your new role as a father, don't be afraid to seek outside help. You can contact any marriage and family counseling center free of charge.
There are counseling centers for expectant parents in every city and municipality. You can find contacts online at:
You can also contact a special men's counseling center directly. The men's counselling network brings together a variety of counselling services that specialize in the concerns and conflict situations of boys, men and fathers. You can use the counseling map to find a counseling service near you.