Vacation with child

How to make the most of the best time of the year with your children: 5 tips for fathers

Text last updated: 2024-06-06

A stress-free vacation

A vacation with a child is a great opportunity for fathers to spend lots of time with their child, talk to each other and discover shared hobbies. Fathers can use vacation time in particular to deepen their closeness and bond with their child. What is important here without going beyond your own limits? Wolfgang Bergmann, holistic coach and familylab trainer for parents, has special tips for fathers to ensure that their vacation is stress-free and fun for all family members.


Vacation with the kids without stress - expert tips for fathers

Holidays are often the time of year when fathers want to experience everything with their child that there is often little time for during the rest of the year. Making discoveries, experiencing little adventures, trying out new hobbies, relaxing together: This is not only great fun for your child, as a father you may also discover completely new sides and strengths in yourself than you do at work. However, expectations of the best time of the year are often high and the fear of disappointment great. So what is important for a relaxing family vacation?

Wolfgang Bergmann knows the answer. As a father of three boys, he not only has a wealth of personal experience, but is also a holistic coach and familylab trainer for parents, educators and other professionals.

His talks and seminars are based on the values and ideas of Danish family therapist Jesper Juul. Wolfgang Bergmann runs the coaching practice 'LeichtSinn' in Bielefeld and strengthens adults in their relationship skills. He has created a vacation checklist especially for fathers.

  1. Do your own dad thing!
    Don't imitate the mother, but as a father find your own way of dealing with your child. At best, get advice from your wife. Even if she sees it completely differently - stick to your own line if possible, this will show your wife that you are serious and want to take responsibility for your child.
  2. Take time for yourself!
    Keep your own needs in mind. On vacation, you also need time for yourself - for walks, for example, or for a good book. If you are relaxed, your child will also be more relaxed. Tell them when you need a break and want to be on your own. This will not harm your child. You will then have more energy to spend time with your child.
  3. Pack the right toys in your suitcase!
    Think about which games and cuddly toys your child should take on vacation before you go. Are smartphones, tablets etc. allowed? If you want to keep your child occupied in a different way, make sure you have the right games. And remember: you are a role model! Only look at your cell phone or laptop at set times. Without distractions, it will be much more relaxed to devote yourself to your child and your vacation activities together.
  4. Take time for your partnership!
    Children demand our full attention. This is also the case on vacation. Talk to your child and explain that you would like some time together. With small children, evenings are a good time to do this when the children are in bed; with older children, there should also be opportunities to spend time together during the day.
  5. Be authentic!
    It's best to say goodbye to the idea of being the entertainment boss for your children before you go on vacation. If you don't feel like playing, then say so honestly! To make sure you get through your vacation well as a father, it's good to be aware of your own limits. Otherwise the best vacation can quickly turn into stress.

Where can we find help and advice?

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia promotes family vacations in family holiday centers. There, children as well as fathers and mothers will find numerous offers tailored to their needs.

In NRW, there are many initiatives and organizations that are committed to working with fathers and offer fathers guidance and support. You can find offers and contacts on the portal of the LAG Väterarbeit NRW.

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