Financial & formalities

There are a number of financial and legal issues associated with being a parent. But there is good news, because as a family you benefit from numerous advantages.

Did you know that you can insure children and your spouse in the statutory health insurance scheme free of charge under certain conditions? We have summarized all the important information on family insurance for you.

As a family, you also benefit from numerous tax advantages. For example, in the form of various tax-free allowances. Child benefit, maintenance payments, relief amounts - we'll help you keep track of all the financial relief available to you.

Did you know that child-raising periods count towards your pension? Find out what you need to do.

Every family can get into financial difficulties - so it's all the more important to know what help and support options are available. Debt advice in NRW, financial assistance services and contact points offer support in overcoming money worries and finding solutions. Whether unexpected expenses, rising living costs or other financial challenges - ways out of debt can be found. On the Familienportal.NRW you will find practical tips, contact points and advice services to help you solve financial problems and remain worry-free in the long term.

An issue for many couples: around one in three children born has unmarried parents. In these cases, a number of legal and financial issues need to be clarified, e.g. paternity recognition and joint custody.

You can find helpful information on all these topics at Familienportal.NRW.

Information about various topics

Services on the topic Family and child

  • Education and participation package

    Does your family receive benefits under SGB II, SGB XII, AsylbLG, housing benefit or child supplement? Then you can receive financial support for participation in school, daycare, child daycare and leisure activities as well as equipment, meals and transportation.

  • Parental allowance

    If you take a break from your job or work part-time after the birth, you will receive parental allowance. This financial benefit allows you to take time for your child and family. You can apply for parental allowance online here.

  • Birth announcement

    The birth of your child must be reported to the relevant registry office.

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